Show App
Step One
Download the app
Use the QR code, links below or simply type in Cruise Ship Interiors on the App Store or Google Play to download the app onto your phone.
You might be prompted to allow push notifications, please make sure to select ‘YES’. If you don’t receive this pop-up, you can enable them in your phone’s settings.
Step Two
Login & create your profile
To log in, enter the email that you registered for the show with and the case-sensitive password csie24. You’ll then get the chance to create your profile and choose your own password. It’s important to personalise your profile with as much detail as possible as this will be visible to other attendees and exhibitors.
Step Three
The show is now in your hands! Once your profile is set up you will be able to explore the app, connect with the cruise interiors community, and curate your own unique show experience.